Ah, Mr Trump. We’re pretty sure you’ve heard of him. If not, Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States of America, and well, he isn’t a very popular man…
Despite his current role as President of the United States of America, Trump’s career actually began in real estate, working for his father, Fred Trump. Fred owned a very successful real estate firm, building and selling houses for soldiers and their families in World War ll. Donald eventually took over the business, changed its name to The Trump Organization, and mostly dealt with estate investments for large apartment buildings and the Federal Housing Administration.
Almost 10 years later, Trump teamed up with the Holiday Inn, Corp., and developed a multimillion hotel and casino complex. From here, Trump soared, and now owns 12 towers under the Trump brand.
But as many of you might know, all is not as it seems in the world of Trump Towers.
While researching the real story of the Trump Real Estate Corporation, we discovered an additional 3 buildings that were either never started, cancelled or weren’t even going to be a ‘thing’.
Trump Tower in New York City are Trump’s main headquarters. Construction of the skyscraper began in 1979 and today it contains apartments, offices, and shops. President Trump, and some of his family, are also known to reside in this building.
Trump Towers in Istanbul consists of 2 skyscrapers conjoined (hence the plural “towers”). One of the buildings is an office tower, and the other is residential.
Trump Towers Istanbul currently houses 200 residents, 80 shops, and a multiplex cinema.
Smaller than the previous buildings, Trump Towers in Florida are still a sight to behold thanks to the 3 identical towers and contemporary architecture. All the buildings consist solely of living accommodation, housing 271 units each.
Another one of Trump’s smaller skyscrapers is the Trump Tower White Plains. Construction began in 2003 and ended in 2005. This building is another accomodation-only skyscraper that upon opening, housed 212 redsidents.
This particular complex may have made our list, however the buildings are not owned or developed by The Trump Organization, nor has The Trump Organization funded this project.
Trump Towers Pune has an unpublic licensing deal with Trump which has given them the rights to use the name ‘Trump’ (hardly an unusual phenomenon).
Because of the unpublic nature of this deal, we’re limited with the details we can share, such as the cost, architects, and developers, but here are a few details for those interested in these 2 buildings.
Trump Tower Manila, or Trump Tower at Century City, is a residential building, and currently stands as the second-tallest building in the Philippines. Reservations for the rooms began in 2011, 6 years before the tower’s construction was completed!
President Trump, and his partners, purchased a building in 1997. In ‘98 they demolished it and started to build Trump World Tower in ‘99. The skyscraper was completed 2 years later, in 2001.
Upon completion, it’s known that Trump purchased unused air rights from over 7 neighbouring low-rise properties.
A new tower to add to President Trump’s collection, the Trump Tower Punta del Este is currently under construction. Plans for the building were announced in 2012, with construction beginning in 2014. Under the watchful eye of Trump’s son, Eric Trump, the building is set to be completed in early 2020.
The Trump International Hotel and Tower sits proudly by the Chicago River. The skyscraper was, at first, announced as the tallest building in the world but due to the 9/11 attacks a few months later, Trump redesigned the building and it’s now the world’s fourth tallest.
Similar to the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago, the NYC version also houses a combination of hotel rooms and residential housing. This skyscraper is far shorter and doesn’t have the retail space of its Chicago sibling, but it still sits proudly between Broadway and Central Park – one of the most sort after areas in New York.
This a bit of a juicy one… we’re sure Donald Trump was thrilled with the outcome of this building!
The Trump Organization ran this hotel and residential condominium under the name “Trump Ocean Club International Hotel and Tower” for 7 years, until March 2018. At this time, a Cypriot businessman, Orestes Fintiklis, bought a majority stake in the tower and legally removed The Trump Organization from the tower. In 2015, Orestes had the name Trump removed from the building and, as recently as March 2018, had the Trump name removed from the hotel. The hotel was then renamed The Bahia Grand Panama.
Eek, bit of a blow for Donald Trump!
Another hotel and residential housing tower by The Trump Organization, construction on this beautiful tower in Canada started in 2012. Plans for the building began in 2009, however the project was temporarily cancelled in February 2009, with developers confirming the project would proceed in August of the same year.
If this project was completed, Donald Trump would have been the proud owner of the “largest office complex in Brazil” award. Unfortunately the Trump Towers Rio was proposed and announced in 2012, with a five-tower office and mixed-use complex, but due to a lengthy wait in government approval, the project never started.
It’s been said that The Trump Organization is no longer involved with the project and a date for starting work on the site has not been confirmed.
This is a pretty simple one. Sadly, Trump Tower Tampa, which would have been visible from miles around, never commenced construction due to an economic collapse of the real estate market.
Lastly, we have Trump Tower, Moscow. Officially, this project was never even a “thing”. In fact, just a few months ago, in November 2018, Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about the Trump Tower Moscow.